3-D Prints

Specialty Trim

Items 3-D printed to your specifications. Ideal for toe, heel, lateral, and medial extensions for small equines

Begins at $100

An extensive trim to correct extreme

hoof overgrowth or infection.

By appointment only.


Since I began my career as a farrier in 2012, my goal has been to improve the soundness and hoof health of all animals under my care. I am insistent that they be housed and fed in a species-appropriate manner and are regularly seen by a knowledgeable veterinarian.

I utilize hoof mapping techniques to help identify internal structures, restore balance, and correct or compensate for distortions. I do not believe that one single trimming method is suitable for all equines. I have found that many trimming techniques have value under the right circumstances, and to be a professional in this industry is to determine which techniques are most appropriate for the hoof in my hands. There are many factors that can influence your animal's hoof health, and I am happy to discuss them with you during your appointment.

I primarily serve barefoot equines, but I am experienced with and occasionally utilize boots, glue-ons, and other alternative methods. Trims on small livestock can be performed upon request.

I specialize in donkey hoof care and provide weekly farrier services at Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue in Concord, VA.

About My Services